
Hern's statement in response to Biden's energy-killing State of the Union Address

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement after President Joe Biden finished his first State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress.  “There was only one thing Oklahomans needed to hear from their president tonight: an immediate commitment to energy independence,” said Rep. Hern. “We didn’t hear that. President Biden could have…

Hern Hosts Tele-Town Hall with over 11.5k Attendees

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Last night, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) hosted a virtual town hall with constituents across the First District.  The call included 11,597 participants both online and by phone. Rep. Hern discussed recent issues including the crisis at our southern border, the situation in Ukraine, and the status of Federal vaccine mandates.   Excerpts from the call are below: Lindi in…

Hern statement on 1st anniversary of Biden presidency

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement on the anniversary of President Biden’s inauguration last year.  “Looking back on the past 12 months, several words come to mind: confusion, failure, disarray, pain, and dishonesty to name a few,” said Rep. Hern. “Biden’s presidency has been defined by empty promises; as a result, he has very few…

Hern applauds SCOTUS decision on Biden’s small business mandate

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement in support of today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the stay on Biden’s vaccine mandate for employers with over 100 employees.  “Thanks to the careful consideration of the Supreme Court, this long national nightmare is hopefully coming to an end,” said Rep. Hern. “I made my thoughts clear last fall…

Time to finally put Biden's vaccine mandates behind us

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The Biden administration spent their first year in office overreaching into every aspect of American life, the most dangerous of which is its unconstitutional vaccine mandate for private businesses. Since their announcement in November, the mandates have remained under intense legal scrutiny, losing major battles across federal courts. One of the main objections from courts is the lack…

Hern helped over 900 constituents with federal agencies, 3 bills signed into law in 2021

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) closed out 2021 with a record number of constituent casework completed. Rep. Hern and his staff closed just over 900 cases in 2021 for constituents facing issues with federal agencies, more than double pre-pandemic numbers.  “The two most important aspects of my service to Oklahoma’s First District are casting my vote in the House of Representatives…

Hern votes against socialist Build Back Broke plan

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement after voting against HR 5376, Biden’s Build Back Broke legislation.  “There’s not much that hasn’t already been said about this absolute train wreck of a bill,” said Rep. Hern. “I’ve made my position crystal clear: this bill is not only bad policy, it’s dangerous. I wish my colleagues could have the same…

Hern leads Members of Congress against Biden’s ‘Build Back Broke’ reconciliation plan

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Yesterday, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) led 14 Members of Congress on the floor of the House of Representatives last night during a Special Order on Biden’s reckless spending agenda.  The Members discussed the failures of the Biden Administration and the hidden policies included in the ‘Build Back Broke’ plan, including raised taxes, increased regulations on small businesses,…

Biden’s vaccine mandate will crush small businesses

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When I first came to Congress in 2018, I knew that I could provide a valuable voice for small businesses at the heart of our government. I campaigned on the notion that small business owners lacked a voice in Washington, D.C., which I knew to be true after 35 years as a small business owner. I never felt represented or understood by my government. I came to Congress knowing the value I…

Hern supports the Job Creators Network’s lawsuit against unconstitutional vaccine mandate

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Earlier this week, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) met with Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network, to discuss their lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate on American small businesses.   Rep. Hern previously announced his intent to pursue both legislative and legal actions against Biden’s executive order directing…