Press Releases
Hern applauds SCOTUS decision on Biden’s small business mandate
Washington, DC,
January 13, 2022
Miranda Dabney
Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement in support of today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the stay on Biden’s vaccine mandate for employers with over 100 employees. “Thanks to the careful consideration of the Supreme Court, this long national nightmare is hopefully coming to an end,” said Rep. Hern. “I made my thoughts clear last fall when the mandate was announced: this unprecedented move from the White House is dangerous and unconstitutional. I’ve worked every day to support the lawsuits and efforts to combat this mandate in the legal system. Thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled in support of my position. The federal government should never be in the business of telling job creators who they can and can’t employ based on vaccination status.” Previously, Rep. Hern announced support for the Job Creators Network lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s mandate. In October, Rep. Hern led over 30 members of Congress in a press conference condemning the mandates and promising no support for the Department of Labor as long as the mandate remained in place. Most recently, Rep. Hern penned an opinion piece for in support of small businesses suffering under Biden’s mandate. ### |