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Rep. Kevin Hern to Newsmax: Mayorkas 'Completely Denying Anything Is a Problem'

Theodore Bunker, Newsmax

Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., told Newsmax TV on Friday that Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas should step down over a “lack of actions on our Southern border.”

Hern, who signed a letter along with 40 other House Republicans calling on Mayorkas to resign earlier this week, told “The National Report” on Friday that he thinks the secretary has “shown up at a couple of places” on the border “and he's completely denying anything is a problem.”

He added, “You know, when you look at what he's done with the ice agents, he's turned him into travel agents.”

Hern also said, “what we saw just recently is his own agents have lost tremendous confidence in his ability to lead. And I can tell you, being in business for over 35 years, when your employees will no longer follow you, it's time for you to go, you know?”

He went on to accuse Mayorkas of having “no idea what he's doing,” saying that the secretary is “completely lost."

"He has got to go. Human trafficking, drug trafficking, all confirmed happening, and again, we're still waiting to see some sort of response to stopping it."