National Security

Congressman Kevin Hern: 'This whole argument is really about 2020'

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First District Congressman Kevin Hern hasn’t been in Washington long, but he has been there long enough to conclude the current impasse hasn’t all that much to do with policy. “This whole argument is really about 2020,” Hern, who took office in November, told the Tulsa Republican Club on Friday. “It’s unfortunate. Sad. But that’s the politics of what’s going on.” The $5.7 billion…

Oklahoma Congressional delegation reacts to presidential address

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Some members of Oklahoma’s congressional delegation released statements Tuesday night addressing President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on the partial government shutdown. Rep. Kevin Hern: “President Trump is doing exactly what he promised the American people, and exactly what he said he would do for the last two years — breaking the Washington status quo in the process. The…