Economy & Jobs

Hern’s District Work Highlights

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In wrapping up the last three weeks of district work, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) engaged in dozens meetings across Oklahoma’s First Congressional District with civic organizations, small business owners, non-profit organizations, chambers of commerce, police officers, firefighters, medical institutions, veterans, agriculture leaders, local press and even the Tulsa…

Energy Costs Pose Grave Risk To Vulnerable Americans

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As we head toward Labor Day, there is encouraging news for most Americans: unemployment numbers fell to 5.4% as the economy added 943,000 jobs in July. Unfortunately, these economic downturns are not felt equally by all. Black and Hispanic unemployment dropped to 8.2% and 6.6% respectively, but the figures remain high compared to the jobless rate for their White and Asian…

Hern slams Biden Admin for bad energy policy, targeting domestic oil industry

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement criticizing President Biden’s recent efforts urging OPEC to increase oil production after irreparably damaging Americans’ ability to produce oil domestically. “Hypocrisy is nothing new in this White House,” said Rep. Hern. “President Biden catered to supporters of the radical Green New Deal when he ended the Keystone…

Hern asks Sec. Yellen to consider economic fallout of Biden foreign tax plan

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) sent a letter this afternoon to Janet Yellen, the secretary for the Department of the Treasury, regarding Foreign Derived Intangible Income (FDII) deductions.  The Biden Administration is working to eliminate FDII which would put globally engaged U.S. companies at a significant disadvantage. This letter urges Secretary Yellen to reconsider repealing…

Hern hosts virtual town hall with over 4,000 attendees

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Yesterday, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) hosted a virtual town hall with constituents across the 1st District. The call included 4,043 participants both online and by phone.   Rep. Hern discussed recent legislative initiatives, such as the Energy Poverty Prevention Act and Pro-Growth Budgeting Act he introduced in June, the Republican Study Committee Budget he wrote and…

Hern slams Biden’s tax-and-spend agenda

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released a statement condemning the exorbitant framework for Biden and Congressional Democrats’ deficit-soaring spending plan.  Senate Democrats announced an overall topline of $3.5 trillion to pass Biden’s legislative priorities using the budget reconciliation process. Including the $1 trillion package a bipartisan group of senators are drafting…

Hern introduces bill protecting affordable & accessible energy for vulnerable communities

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Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) introduced the Energy Poverty Prevention Act (EPPA) to the House of Representatives this morning. Rep. Hern previously introduced EPPA last Congress.   “Transparency is at the heart of a lot of the bills and ideas I’ve supported since coming to Congress,” said Rep. Hern. “In light of recent decisions out of the Biden Administration to destroy energy…

Under Biden, America will never be a global leader of industry

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Republicans passed a historic tax overhaul called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. The reason? Our tax code hadn’t been updated since the 1980s, even though the way we lived and did business was totally different. As a result, we unleashed economic growth that put more money in people's pockets, provided greater opportunities, and brought poverty to record lows. Yet, President Joe…

Rep. Hern pushing for more transparency on how bills will impact economy before vote

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An Oklahoma congressman is pushing to make sure that he and his colleagues have a more accurate understanding of how particular bills will impact the economy before they vote on them. Representative Kevin Hern, (R) OK-1, reintroduced his Pro Growth Budget Act earlier this month; Hern also introduced the legislation during the last Congress. He said he knows it’s not likely to go anywhere…

High lumber prices add urgency to a decades-old trade fight

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A trade dispute over Canadian lumber that began when Ronald Reagan was president has become a political problem for President Biden, with home builders and members of Congress urging the administration to try to strike a deal that could help bring down the cost of critical building materials. Lumber prices remain far above prepandemic levels, even after falling sharply in recent…