
The Biden-Harris Administration’s crisis of accountability

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The Biden-Harris administration has been marked by failure, ineptitude, and a complete lack of accountability. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have repeatedly and intentionally made disastrous decisions that have harmed Americans at home as well as our allies abroad. The most recent catastrophic failure was the assassination attempt on July 13th. President Donald Trump’s life was spared by…

Congress agreed on something bipartisan – and Biden vetoed it

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Too often, politicians in Washington talk about things they know nothing about. Take President Joe Biden and the economy. He said all the right things during the recent National Small Business Week, correctly stating that small businesses “embody the spirit of America and our boundless possibilities.” But talk is cheap. When those same businesses needed Biden the most, he let them down,…

The Many Ways Biden Doesn’t Measure Up

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The story of America is scrappy, daring, and revolutionary. Our Founding Fathers took an idea—democracy—that had been dead for centuries and revived it with little more than an amateur militia and a dream for a better world.  The great American experiment has been led by consequential presidents. They were warriors, leaders, and titans. Some of them, like Abraham…

Here's How the U.S. Should Counter China

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Under President Donald Trump, the America First agenda maintained peace through strength. Rather than putting America First, the Biden administration says its goal is "competition" with China, as if our security is merely a game. White House officials refuse to say that it's in our national interest to counter the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), instead placing climate…

End the Bureaucracy and Let Energy Production Grow

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Everyone’s talking about energy these days. Whether it’s the still-high price of gas or the many different alternative fuel sources celebrities are hawking – energy is on everyone’s minds. What it costs, how to access it, and what’s the newest thing. Energy is as much a part of Oklahoma history as the cowboys. A hundred years ago, Tulsa was the oil capitol of the entire world. Oil barons…

Restoring American energy independence

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As Americans “spring forward” having spent more of their winter paychecks to heat their homes and fill their tanks, they are rightly wondering when relief will come.   Last summer, the average price of a gallon of gas exceeded $5. Americans of every walk of life need assurance that reliable and affordable energy will be readily available…

A clean debt ceiling increase is a gift to China

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The public watched as a Communist Chinese spy balloon traversed nearly the entire continental United States this month, floating freely from Montana to Myrtle Beach before President Joe Biden finally gave the green light for the U.S. military to shoot it down. Biden’s balloon debacle was an important reminder that China will seek to exploit any real or perceived weakness from the U.S. in…

You might think Republicans are divided, but my plan will unite us all

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Last week, the media obsessed over House Republicans’ debate concerning rules reforms and leadership decisions for the 118th Congress. Despite wall-to-wall coverage of the speaker election, most media outlets ignored that conservatives are unified behind the desire to fix the top issue facing our country, the national debt and President Biden’s reckless spending agenda.  Restoring…

Insulin Price Caps Aren’t the Answer

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Over the past several decades, the federal government has exercised unprecedented control over aspects of American life that our Founders never intended—including your personal medical decisions. As a life-long job creator and small business owner, I know the dangers of an intrusive government. Regulators in the executive branch don’t know what it takes to develop a product, find your…

House GOP Task Force Aims to Cut Health Care Costs, Boost Patients’ Choices

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Everyone agrees: Health care in America is too expensive and too complicated. Democrats want to double down on a centralized, Washington-controlled plan for your health care. We’ve seen the damaging impact that has had on the quality of, and access to, care in socialist countries abroad.  Republicans know that to fix the health care system and lower costs, we need to increase…