In the News

U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern threatens legal action against Biden mandate

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First District Congressman Kevin Hern said Thursday he is considering legal action against a proposed federal worker safety regulation that would require employee COVID-19 vaccinations or weekly testing for all businesses with at least 100 employees. “We will look at every action possible as soon as the rule comes out, including ... legal action to push back on the Biden…

Democrats Block Bills Prohibiting Tax Increases Until Unemployment Rate, Inflation Return To Pre-Pandemic Levels

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Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee blocked GOP amendments Tuesday that would have prohibited further tax increases until the economy returns to its pre-pandemic condition. Republican Reps. Kevin Hern and Lloyd Smucker introduced the bills as amendments to Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package during the committee’s markup of parts of…

In second term, Hern positioned to wield influence on key issues

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Midway through his second term, 1st District Congressman Kevin Hern has positioned himself about where he wants. He has a seat on the House Ways and Means Committee and what seems to be growing influence on GOP tax and health care policy. Besides the plum committee assignment, Hern is chairman of the Budget and Spending Task Force of the Republican Study Committee, the policy…

Tulsa Rig Iron Hosts U.S. Rep. Hern During ‘I Make America’ Event

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Tulsa Rig Iron (TRI), designer and manufacturer of mud pumps, mud recycling systems and more, recently welcomed U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.) to its manufacturing facility in Kiefer, Oklahoma, for an “I Make America” event. “I Make America” is a grassroots campaign of The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), which advocates for policies that support manufacturing jobs and help…

Rep. Hern pushing for more transparency on how bills will impact economy before vote

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An Oklahoma congressman is pushing to make sure that he and his colleagues have a more accurate understanding of how particular bills will impact the economy before they vote on them. Representative Kevin Hern, (R) OK-1, reintroduced his Pro Growth Budget Act earlier this month; Hern also introduced the legislation during the last Congress. He said he knows it’s not likely to go anywhere…

High lumber prices add urgency to a decades-old trade fight

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A trade dispute over Canadian lumber that began when Ronald Reagan was president has become a political problem for President Biden, with home builders and members of Congress urging the administration to try to strike a deal that could help bring down the cost of critical building materials. Lumber prices remain far above prepandemic levels, even after falling sharply in recent…

OKFB Members discuss ag issues with Congressman Hern during online meeting

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Oklahoma Farm Bureau members shared their concerns on agriculture and rural issues with Congressman Kevin Hern during an online meeting held Friday, June 11. From hauling hay to owning McDonald’s franchises and from swine farmer to aerospace engineer, Rep. Hern has vast experiences and uses those to represent Oklahoma’s First Congressional District, encompassing the Tulsa metropolitan…

House Republicans reveal answer to Biden's budget, say it could eliminate deficit in 5 years

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Tags: Budget

House Republicans on Wednesday are unveiling their answer to President Biden's 2022 budget, putting forward a document that they say can balance the federal budget in five years while cutting taxes by $1.9 trillion. The summary of the proposal by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), first obtained by Fox News, would slash a litany of discretionary programs,…

Republican Study Committee Budget Would Reclaim America’s Fiscal Future

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Even before the outbreak of COVID-19 and the spending binge that followed, the federal budget was on an unsustainable trajectory. The Republican Study Committee, the caucus of conservative GOP members of the House of Representatives, has put forward a comprehensive policy proposal to address the fiscal challenges the country faces in its recently released “Reclaiming Our…

Hern says COVID-19 changing both businesses and their customers

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Businesses have had to adapt to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, but so have their customers, 1st District Congressman Kevin Hern said Monday. As the lead presenter for a live-streamed The Hill program on e-commerce and small business, Hern said small-business owners have had to squeeze years of transition into a few months. “I really feel for those small businesses that are having…