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Rep. Hern says Buttigieg is a “climate hypocrite”

OK Energy Today

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s private flights on taxpayer-funded jets earned him Oklahoma Congressman Kevin Hern’s latest “2022 Friend of Fossil Fuels Award.”

The Tulsa U.S. Representative hands out the award to those like Buttigieg who preach a green agenda but are climate hypocrites in real life, according to the congressman’s announcement.

Hern calls them ‘friends” of fossil fuels because while they wage a war on traditional energy, they are actually helping the industry every time they take a private flight.

“Rules for thee, but not for me – it’s the mantra of the left,” said Rep. Hern.

“They want middle- and working-class Americans to feel bad for putting gas in their cars to get to work, but they’ll still fly private. The hypocrisy is infuriating for millions of Americans struggling to heat their homes as a result of Biden’s war on energy.”

Secretary Buttigieg championed Green New Deal initiatives and has advocated for the federal workforce to transition to electric vehicles. All the while, he’s taken at least 18 private flights using taxpayer-funded jets.

Buttigieg previously faced scandal after publicly saying he rode a bike to work in Washington, DC, to save the environment only for cameras to catch him putting his bike in the trunk of a large, gas-guzzling SUV that followed him the whole trip.

Rep. Hern previously gave the Friend of Fossil Fuels Award to Biden Climate Czar John Kerry.