Press Releases

Pelosi oversteps with partisan attack on GOP picks for Jan 6th committee

Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) released the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi vetoed Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks to represent the Republican Party on the January 6th Select Committee.


“Pelosi has once again overstepped as Speaker of the House,” said Rep. Hern. “There is no longer any pretense that she plans for the Select Committee to be a bipartisan effort, something I – and any American paying attention – knew all along. That’s why I couldn’t vote in favor of the committee in the first place. It’s an incredibly serious issue and deserves serious leadership, which Pelosi has failed to deliver. I wholeheartedly support Leader McCarthy’s decision to pull the rest of the Republican appointments from this committee. If Pelosi wants full control, that’s exactly what she’ll get because we are sick and tired of her political games.”


Rep. Hern continued, “My colleagues Jim Banks and Jim Jordan are two of the most capable members of the Republican Conference. Jordan has spent considerable time on Oversight developing an impressive attention to detail and a knack for getting to the truth of a matter. Banks is an effective communicator who is not afraid to ask the tough questions and hold all parties accountable. These leaders are exactly what we need on this committee. Pelosi will come to regret this unprecedented, dangerous abuse of power.”


Pelosi vetoed Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03), selected to serve as Ranking Member of the Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-04). In response, McCarthy withdrew all Republican appointments to the committee. Historically, Republican and Democrat leadership have had broad authority to appoint the members of their respective parties to Committee rosters without the input or confirmation of the opposing party.

