Republican Study Committee

RSC, Pfluger, Hern amendment to freeze all sanctioned Iranian assets passes House

 Today, Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern (OK-01) and Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11), celebrated the passage of Rep. Pfluger’s Amendment to H.R. 5961, the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act. The amendment passed with a vote of 231-198, and the bill passed with a vote of 307-119.

Rep. Pfluger’s amendment strengthened the bill by freezing all sanctioned Iranian assets permanently, with no exceptions or waivers allowing the President to lift sanctions without an act of Congress. The amendment is modeled after legislation previously introduced by Rep. Pfluger, Chairman Hern, and 128 cosponsors as a key RSC initiative. The RSC Steering Committee adopted an official position endorsing this amendment on Tuesday.

Last week, the Biden Administration announced a waiver allowing Iraq to send $10 billion to Iran for electricity payments. This underscores the need for Congress to take action preventing any further funding from going to the terrorist regime in Iran. In the wake of the October 7th attack on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists, it is more pressing than ever that Congress cuts off any and all funding sources to terrorists in Iran.

The passage of Rep. Pfluger’s amendment makes H.R. 5961 the toughest Iran sanctions bill to ever pass the House.

“There is no reason that the United States should be party to any kind of funding for terrorism,” said Chairman Hern. “The Biden Administration should not be able to use loopholes and waivers to ease sanctions on terrorists in Iran who funded the heinous October 7th attack on our ally Israel. Israel relies on our friendship not only in times of peace, but especially in times of hardship. This is not the time to take our foot off the gas, we must continue to use every tool at our disposal to combat terrorism in Iran and Gaza. This amendment is a tremendous step in the right direction, and shows that this Congress will stand by our ally Israel and hold the Biden Administration accountable to do the same.”

Rep. Pfluger said, “It is well known that Iran is the largest state-sponsor of terrorism and no accident that Hamas’ evil attack on Israel shortly followed President Biden’s decision to unfreeze $6 Billion in Iranian assets on September 11th of this year. What is even more unacceptable is that the Biden Administration chose to unfreeze an additional $10 billion in assets for Iran after the attack. I’m proud to strengthen this important bill by blocking all Iranian-sanctioned funds from being unfrozen and removing the President’s ability to release such funds through the abuse of waiver or license authorities. Since the Administration refuses to permanently freeze the funds, Congress will.”

RSC National Security Task Force Chairman Joe Wilson (SC-02) said, “I am grateful to support this effort by the Republican Study Committee to cut off the Iranian regime’s access to sanctioned funds with no exceptions.”

The amendment includes the following provisions in response to Hamas’s October 7th terrorist attack:

  • Requires the permanent freezing of all Iranian sanctioned assets, including not only the $6 billion ransom payment in Qatar, but also prohibiting sanctions relief provided to Iraq allowing it to send billions to Iran for electricity. 
  • Prohibits the President from lifting sanctions on Iran whether through the issuance of waivers, licenses, regulatory guidance, or the publication of Frequently Asked Questions.

Outside Group Support:

The amendment was supported by FDD Action, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the CUFI Action Fund.

Co-sponsorsHern (OK), Roy (TX), Wilson (SC), Clyde (GA), Ogles (TN), Weber (TX), Duncan (SC), Womack (AR), Bacon (NE).

You can find the amendment text here.